These companies can help you to deploy and integrate OsiriX in your environment, including configuring a DICOM network, PACS server, VPN set-up, RIS/HIS/EMR integration, IT support, and more.

  • Pratyaksh Interactive Solutions Pvt Ltd

    Pratyaksh Interactive team is formed by specialists from many digital domains giving it the unique ability to service a customer for most of their needs. Be it a small website or an enterprise level ERP or complex MIS systems.

    Contact Pratyaksh Interactive Solutions Pvt Ltd
  • Alteris SA

    Alteris is the comprehensive solution provider. Based on our experience of over 10 years, we meet the expectations of our clients. There are already over 200 facilities all around the country that use the solutions offered by Alteris, which is the one third of the polish market.

    Contact Alteris
  • Inspire Medical

    Inspire Medical, is a healthcare IT, Imaging and AV solutions company. Inspire’s products and services are built on leading-edge technology and are result of our strategic relationships with Apple, MedXchange, OsiriX and Ikegami which form the backbone of our healthcare solutions. If you are looking for OsiriX workstation or RIS/PACS solution, we provide customized workstations, on-site services, support and application training. We can help you to deploy and integrate OsiriX in your environment.

    Contact Inspire Medical
  • MedTime Healthcare IT

    We are a solution provider focused on South East Asian Markets, with expertise in:

    • PACS / Dicom Systems & Integration
    • Full Scope Orion HIS (Clinical, Ancillary Applications, ERP) in Vietnam
    • Hospital Operations Consultancy

    We have proven record of 10 large Enterprise project deployments across Singapore, Vietnam and Philippines. Our team members are among the only 5 Rhapsody Integration HL7 Engine Certified Experts in the world. We are the first official partner to sell OsiriX in Vietnamese, and proud to be part of this Community.

    Contact MedTime Healthcare IT
  • RBernardo Institute

    From more than 10 years we provide training on OsiriX with our classroom course. Now we have also our next level online course with more than 80 classes.
    We are official partner of XirisA in corporate training of OsiriX.
    We’re proud to be part of this amazing network.

    Contact RBernardo Institute
  • SHI

    SHI is a leading corporate reseller of software, hardware, and related services, providing government agencies, educational institutions and Fortune 1000-Fortune 500 companies with all of their technology needs.

    Contact SHI
  • Newton Graphics

    Newton Graphics is supporting OsiriX and dcm4chee-based archives for Hospital.

    Contact Newton Graphics
  • Opale

    OPALE propose des écosystèmes architecturés autour du Mac et d’Unix, à destination de l’imagerie médicale et de la recherche clinique; pour exemple :

    • PACS multisites multispécialités,
    • routage DICOM et diffusion répartie,
    • anonymisation et consolidation d’études à des fins de Cohorte.

    Impliquée depuis de nombreuses années auprès du team OsiriX, OPALE vous accompagne pour l’utilisation avancée du logiciel. Ses compétences IT, noyau d’expertise initial, permettent la gestion pérenne de tout nouveau projet englobant d’importants flux de données.

    Contacter Opale
  • Radpoint

    Radpoint is a leading provider of cutting-edge cloud-based technologies and services for radiology, including integrated RIS/PACS and teleradiology platform, offering scalable solutions for healthcare providers of all sizes in EU. Forget about managing IT infrastructure and let us do all the heavy-lifting. Our cloud-based RIS/PACS platform is automatically scaled to your needs and is continuously monitored, to guarantee 24/7 availability. We care about security and privacy concerning compliance with EU regulations.

    Radpoint Platform is fully integrated with OsiriX MD. Looking for OsiriX workstation or RIS/PACS solution? We provide customized workstations, on-site services, support and application training. Get in touch today to learn more about OsiriX.

    Contact Radpoint
  • XirisA

    XirisA is our official partner in Brazil for OsiriX MD ANVISA.

    Contact XirisA
  • Acton Engineering

    Acton Engineering is a Healthcare Innovations Group from India with business interests ranging from Teleradiology Services to Dental and Medical 3D Printing. Apart from having Teleradiology solutions (Stand alone OsiriX Workstations and PACS) in its portfolio, Acton has its own Hospital Information System (HIS) customised for different Hospital / Clinic / Radiology setups. We are proud to be associated with Apple-OsiriX in India & East Asia. We are Pioneers of Dental-Medical 3D Printing & Patient-specific Implant Solutions in India.

    Contact Acton Engineering
  • SNRTech Medical Information Systems

    SNRTech is an innovative Medical Informatics company in Turkey and neighbour countries, providing services in medical imaging systems and software technologies.
    We are happy to provide references in all fields including Hospitals, Imaging Centers, Educational Institutions, and more.

    Contact SNRTech Medical Information Systems
  • Medsynaptic

    Medsynaptic is the top medical informatics company in India and has more than 12,000 installations across 40 countries for our products like Ultrasound Image Management Systems, Endoscopy Image Management Systems, MiniPACS, Web Based PACS, DICOM Conversion solutions for Non DICOM machines, Print Solutions, RIS/HIS Integration, Teleradiology solutions based on telephone lines to broadband internet and Low Cost Teleradiology ready Film Digitizer. Our customers include some of the top medical OEMs, equipment resellers, large hospitals, small clinics and doctors.

    Contact Medsynaptic
  • Medicotek

    Medicotek offers more than hundred products. It has a capability to supply a bundle of supplies and equipment that are largely used in key areas of the hospitals like: Operating Theatres, Delivery Rooms, Intensive Care Units, Emergency Medical Services, Recovery Rooms, Wards and even supplying products for Pathology Department.

    Medicotek can provide the needs and wants of every medical professional from the admission of patient to the Emergency room to their transfer for the Operating Room or Intensive care units until the patient has recovered from illness or treatment in the Recovery Room which finally permit them to be discharged from hospital.

    Contact Medicotek
  • QIT Systeme

    We are your experienced partner in the implementation of IT projects in radiology and provide software and hardware solutions for your practice or department.

    From the offer testing to comprehensive care, from the special system for enterprise PACS – we have experts for dcm4chee-based archives, repositories and DICOM routing solutions.

    Contact QIT Systeme

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